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Vasyl MartyniukAbout 2 min




Manage access to any individual URL or group of relative URLs (wildcard * denotation is available with premium Comlete Package). Additionally, define how to handle access denied redirect with the Metadata property.

The URI resource accepts a relative path to any page on your website. For example, if the full URL to the "Authenticated User Only" is then you should provide only the relative path, which is the /category/authenticated-user-only.

    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "deny",
            "Resource": "URI:/category/authenticated-user-only"


The URI may also contain query parameters (GET params), and the order is irrelevant.

AAM also normalizes URI by trimming trailing forward slash / before evaluating for the match. For example, the /hello-world/ and `/hello-world are identical.

As mentioned above, the URI resource allows defining access denied redirect with the Metadata property. The following redirect options are available.

Custom Message

The message can be any plain text or HTML. You can also define a message in any language or even prepare multiple conditional statements that will apply based on a user's attributes (e. g. location or preferred language).

The sample statements below adept the custom message based on user's preferred language.

    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "deny",
            "Resource": "URI:/category/authenticated-user-only*",
            "Metadata": {
                "Redirect": {
                    "Type": "message",
                    "Message": "<h3>You are not allowed to see this page!</h3>"
            "Condition": {
                "Like": {
                    "${SERVER.HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE}": "en-US*"
            "Effect": "deny",
            "Resource": "URI:/category/authenticated-user-only*",
            "Metadata": {
                "Redirect": {
                    "Type": "message",
                    "Message": "<h3>Sie dürfen diese Seite nicht sehen!</h3>"
            "Condition": {
                "Like": {
                    "${SERVER.HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE}": "de-AT*"

Redirect to Existing Page

Redirect the user to any existing page by specifying either a valid page ID or page slug. The example below redirects a user to the "Access Denied" page.

    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "deny",
            "Resource": "URI:/category/authenticated-user-only*",
            "Metadata": {
                "Redirect": {
                    "Type": "page",
                    "Slug": "access-denied"

Redirect to The Login Page

Redirect a user to the login page and bring them back to the original location after a successful login. The example statement below redirects visitor to the login page.

    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "deny",
            "Resource": "URI:/category/*",
            "Metadata": {
                "Redirect": {
                    "Type": "login"


By default, AAM redirects a visitor to the default /wp-login.php endpoint. However, you can override this behavior with WordPress core hook login_urlopen in new window.

Redirect to URL

Redirect a user to any valid and allowed URL for a website. AAM takes security seriously. That is why all the redirects are managed by the WordPress core function wp_safe_redirectopen in new window.

    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "deny",
            "Resource": "URI:/category/authenticated-user-only/",
            "Metadata": {
                "Redirect": {
                    "Type": "url",
                    "URL": ""

Trigger a Callback

Trigger PHP callback. The valid callback has to be specified. For more information, refer to the Callbacksopen in new window page.

    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "deny",
            "Resource": "URI:/category/authenticated-user-only/",
            "Metadata": {
                "Redirect": {
                    "Type": "callback",
                    "Callback": "MyAccessController::deny"