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Access Levels

Vasyl MartyniukAbout 3 min

RC 1

This is the documentation for the AAM 7.0.0-rc.1 release. We are actively working on the documentation that may change before stable release announcement.


interface AAM_Framework_AccessLevel_Interface {

    public get_resource(string $resource_type, bool $reload = null) : AAM_Framework_Resource_Interface
    public get_preference(string $preference_type, $reload = null) : AAM_Framework_Preference_Interface
    public get_parent() : AAM_Framework_AccessLevel_Interface|null

    public urls(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Urls
    public api_routes(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_ApiRoutes
    public jwts(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Jwts
    public login_redirect(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_LoginRedirect
    public logout_redirect(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_LogoutRedirect
    public backend_menu(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_BackendMenu
    public admin_toolbar(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_AdminToolbar
    public metaboxes(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Metaboxes
    public widgets(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Widgets
    public not_found_redirect(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_NotFoundRedirect
    public access_denied_redirect(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_AccessDeniedRedirect
    public roles(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Roles
    public users(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Users
    public posts(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Posts
    public terms(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Terms
    public taxonomies(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Taxonomies
    public post_types(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_PostTypes
    public capabilities(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Capabilities
    public settings(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Settings
    public policies(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Policies
    public hooks(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Hooks

    // Alias methods
    public caps(array $settings = []) : AAM_Framework_Service_Capabilities

AAM recognizes four primary access levels: default, role, user, and visitor. These levels create a hierarchy that ensures proper access control for all user types.

  1. Default Level: This is the highest level in the access control hierarchy. The default level defines the access settings for all users, roles, and visitors, including administrators. Any access settings applied at this level are inherited by all other levels below it, ensuring a base level of permissions.

  2. Role Level: This level encompasses specific roles, such as Subscriber or Editor roles. Access settings defined at the role level inherit permissions from the default level. By managing roles individually, you can customize permissions for different types of users while maintaining a consistent structure.

  3. User Level: At this level, individual users inherit permissions from their assigned roles. You can assign access settings directly to a specific user, further refining access control beyond what is available at the role level.

  4. Visitor Level: Visitors are unauthenticated users who automatically inherit access settings from the default level. This ensures that even without specific user roles, visitors still adhere to a base access structure.

The framework's primary responsibility is to take into consideration relationships between these access levels and properly prepare access controls and preferences. When necessary, it also resolves any settings ambiguities.

To learn more about access settings inheritance mechanism, refer to the Understanding the access controls inheritance mechanism article.

Working with Access Levels

Using PHP, you can interact with these access levels through the AAM::api() entry point. The API provides a straightforward way to obtain instances of different access levels and customize their settings.

This is the list of all available methods that you can use to obtain various access levels:

// Get current user. If current user is not authenticated, the visitor access level
// is assumed

// Various ways to get user access level
AAM::api()->user(''); // By email
AAM::api()->user('john'); // By user_login
AAM::api()->user(12); // By user ID
AAM::api()->user(new WP_User(12)); // By WP_User instance

// Get a role

// Get the visitor access level

// Get the default access level

Once you have an instance of an access level, you can obtain pre-configured instance of any AAM service and define access controls or preferences to the specific access level. Suppose you want to define URL access for the Subscriber role. By setting access controls at this role level, all users with the Subscriber role will automatically inherit these permissions. This capability makes it easy to manage permissions globally for specific user types.

// Get an instance of URL service through role access level
$service = AAM::api()->role('subscriber')->urls();

// Restrict access to a very specific URL

Alternatively, you can pass an instance of access level to the service as following:

$service = AAM::api()->urls(

When should you use access level?

From the two examples above, you can see that there are two distinct ways to work with AAM services: directly through an access level instance or by passing the instance into the desired service.

Both methods yield the same results with equal efficiency. AAM utilizes internal in-memory caching to prevent redundant access level instance creation. Ultimately, the choice comes down to your personal preference.

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