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Vasyl MartyniukLess than 1 minute

Alpha 6

This is the documentation for the AAM 7.0.0-alpha.6 release. We are actively working on the documentation that may change before stable release announcement.


class AAM_Core_Gateway {

    // Collection of methods that return pre-configured service
    public urls(mixed $context = ) : AAM_Framework_Service_Urls
    public api_routes(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_ApiRoutes
    public jwts(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_Jwts
    public login_redirect(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_LoginRedirect
    public logout_redirect(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_LogoutRedirect
    public backend_menu(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_BackendMenu
    public admin_toolbar(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_AdminToolbar
    public metaboxes(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_Metaboxes
    public widgets(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_Widgets
    public not_found_redirect(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_NotFoundRedirect
    public identities(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_Identities
    public content(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_Content
    public capabilities(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_Capabilities
    public settings(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_Settings

    // These methods return content iterators so you can easily iterate over the list
    // of posts or terms and manage access to them one-by-one. These methods are
    // optimized to work with extremely large number of items
    public posts(AAM_Framework_Resource_Interface $parent_resource, array $args = []) : Generator
    public terms(AAM_Framework_Resource_Interface $parent_resource, array $args = []) : Generator

    // Alias methods
    public caps(mixed $context) : AAM_Framework_Service_Capabilities
Virtual Assistant