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The importance of preserving WordPress core roles and capabilities to avoid conflicts

Vasyl MartyniukSecurity Audit ServiceAbout 3 min

A key aspect of WordPress core flexibility is the robust role-based access control (RBAC) system, which defines specific user roles and capabilities. These core roles, such as "Administrator", "Editor", "Author", "Contributor", and "Subscriber", come pre-built with defined sets of permissions, enabling different types of users to access appropriate areas of the site.

However, when site owners or developers modify, remove, or misconfigure these default roles and capabilities, it can lead to unforeseen issues, particularly with the compatibility of third-party plugins. Many plugins are designed with the assumption that WordPress core roles and their capabilities remain intact. If these roles are altered, it can lead to functionality breakdowns that impact essential processes, such as user registration or overall user experience.

In this article we share why it’s crucial to maintain the integrity of WordPress core roles and capabilities and these are some of the reasons:

  1. Preventing Registration Process Breakdowns. Many WordPress plugins, especially membership, e-commerce, or community-oriented plugins, rely on specific user roles to manage the registration process and access control effectively. For instance, a plugin might automatically assign new users the "Subscriber" role upon registration. If this role is missing or its capabilities have been altered, the registration process could fail, leaving users unable to sign up, log in, or access their accounts as expected. This could result in broken workflows, leading to frustrated users and potential business loss.

    Some registration plugins also expect specific capabilities, like the ability to read or edit content, to be available for certain user roles. Altering these capabilities can block access to features that users need, creating a confusing experience that deters engagement.

  2. Ensuring Compatibility with Third-Party Plugins. Plugins that extend or integrate into WordPress often do so by leveraging the default role and capability system. For example, an event management plugin might allow "Author" to create events, "Editor" to publish them, and "Administrator" to manage overall settings. If these roles or their associated capabilities are modified, the plugin may no longer function as intended, leading to errors, broken features, or in some cases, complete incompatibility.

    Plugins that assume the presence of a standard role structure may fail to recognize users who have had their roles altered, resulting in permission errors. These plugins are often designed to scale with WordPress’s default system, and any significant deviation can cause functionality to break.

  3. Maintaining a Consistent User Experience. A key benefit of the WordPress RBAC system is the predictability it offers both to administrators and users. Administrators know what permissions come with each role, and users have a clear understanding of their access level and responsibilities. Altering core roles and capabilities can introduce confusion, leading to unpredictable behaviors across the site.

    For instance, if the "Editor" role is modified to remove the capability to publish posts, users who previously relied on that permission will suddenly find themselves unable to perform a task they’ve grown accustomed to. This inconsistency creates a poor user experience, as users may no longer be able to access tools or functions they once had, undermining trust in the platform.

  4. Preserving the Integrity of Future Updates. WordPress regularly releases updates to enhance functionality, security, and performance. These updates often include improvements or bug fixes related to the core role system. If the roles and capabilities have been significantly altered, future updates could introduce further complications, as they might override custom settings or fail to apply new security patches effectively. Preserving the default structure ensures that your site will remain compatible with future WordPress core updates, minimizing the risk of downtime or plugin conflicts.


While AAM plugin allows the customization of roles and capabilities, it’s best to approach these modifications with caution. Altering or removing core roles can lead to significant issues, such as broken plugins, disrupted user registration processes, and a confusing user experience. When it comes to managing user access and permissions, the default WordPress roles are well-optimized for most use cases. For those needing custom roles, it's essential to carefully assess the impact on plugins and avoid disrupting the core system.

By preserving the integrity of WordPress’s role and capability system, you can ensure compatibility with third-party plugins, maintain a seamless user experience, and protect the security and stability of your website in the long term.

In case you need a role that require custom set of permissions, you can always create a new role with AAM. For more information refer to "How to create a custom WordPress role" Q&A.