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The importance of protecting the WordPress RESTful API auto-discover endpoint

Vasyl MartyniukSecurity Audit ServiceAbout 2 min

In the ever-evolving landscape of website security, one often-overlooked vulnerability in WordPress is the RESTful API endpoint /wp-json/. Also known as the auto-discover endpoint, this feature provides important data about a website’s available RESTful API routes. While useful for legitimate purposes, it also opens a door to potential exploitation by malicious actors. Understanding the importance of securing this endpoint is crucial to safeguarding your WordPress site from unnecessary risk.

What Is the /wp-json/ Endpoint?

The /wp-json/ endpoint is part of WordPress’s RESTful API. When accessed, this endpoint returns a structured list of all available API routes on the site. It’s a powerful tool designed for developers to interact programmatically with a WordPress website, offering access to core data, custom post types, and even custom REST routes introduced by plugins or themes. This is highly beneficial when building complex applications or integrating with third-party services.

However, for anyone, authenticated or not, who visits, the WordPress API will reveal:

  • Any themes or plugins that use RESTful API
  • Available custom post types
  • Some other potentially sensitive details about the site structure

This information can give malicious users a blueprint to attack your website, as they can target vulnerabilities in your plugins, themes, or core WordPress installation. Therefore, protecting this endpoint from unauthorized access is critical.

Why is the /wp-json/ Endpoint a Security Risk?

Although the API is a valuable resource for legitimate users, it is equally attractive to malicious actors looking to exploit common vulnerabilities. Two key risks arise from an exposed /wp-json/ endpoint:

  1. Plugin and Theme Exposure: The endpoint reveals which plugins and themes are installed on the site and use RESTful API. Malicious actors can use this information to identify whether the site is running outdated or vulnerable versions of software that have known exploits.

  2. Route Discovery for Exploitation: Through the API, attackers can also learn which routes are available, which gives them insight into potentially unprotected areas of the site. This could lead to brute-force attacks, API abuse, or other malicious actions.

These risks underline the need to limit access to the /wp-json/ endpoint, especially for unauthenticated users who have no legitimate reason to access such sensitive data.


The WordPress RESTful API endpoint /wp-json/ can be a double-edged sword. On one side, it’s a powerful tool that allows developers to build dynamic, data-driven applications. On the other side, if left unprotected, it can provide attackers with a wealth of information about your site’s configuration, including potential vulnerabilities in plugins, themes, and the WordPress core.

To protect your website, it’s crucial to restrict access to this endpoint. Ensure that unauthenticated users and users without a need for access cannot query the /wp-json/ endpoint. By implementing strict access controls and monitoring traffic, you significantly reduce the risk of your website falling victim to malicious actors.

Taking these steps not only strengthens the security of your WordPress site but also gives you peace of mind, knowing that you’ve minimized potential attack vectors before they can be exploited.