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Misuse of high-privilege WordPress capabilities

Vasyl MartyniukSecurity Audit ServiceAbout 3 min

WordPress offers extensive flexibility in managing user roles and permissions. While this flexibility is essential for tailoring access based on various needs, it also comes with significant security risks if not handled properly. One of the most concerning risks arises from assigning high-privilege capabilities, such as the ability to edit themes or install plugins, to roles other than the "Administrator".

The list of capabilities below, while necessary for administering a WordPress site, can lead to catastrophic security breaches if granted to inappropriate roles or users:

  • edit_themes: Allows a user to modify theme files directly. This can impact the appearance, functionality, or security of the site if misused.
  • edit_plugins: Enables a user to edit plugin files. Changing plugins can introduce vulnerabilities or cause functionality issues if not done properly.
  • edit_files: Grants access to edit core WordPress files. This poses a serious risk as changes to these files can affect the entire site.
  • activate_plugins: Lets a user activate or deactivate plugins. This can enable or disable critical site functionality, potentially breaking the site.
  • manage_options: Allows a user to change settings in the WordPress admin panel, including key site configurations that control how the site operates.
  • delete_users: Permits a user to delete other user accounts, which could lock out legitimate users or administrators from the site.
  • create_users: Allows a user to create new accounts, which could be used to add unauthorized users or create backdoor accounts for future attacks.
  • unfiltered_upload: Enables a user to upload files without filtering for security. This could allow malicious files, such as scripts or malware, to be uploaded.
  • update_plugins: Lets a user update existing plugins. While necessary for security, updates can also introduce bugs or incompatibilities if not done carefully.
  • delete_plugins: Permits the deletion of installed plugins. Removing essential plugins can break site functionality or security features.
  • install_plugins: Grants the ability to install new plugins, which could introduce untested or insecure software into the site.
  • update_themes: Allows a user to update installed themes, which could break customizations or introduce bugs.
  • install_themes: Lets a user install new themes, which can affect the site's design or introduce vulnerabilities if the theme is insecure.
  • update_core: Enables the updating of WordPress itself. Core updates are critical but can break site functionality if not handled carefully.
  • promote_users: Permits a user to change the roles of other users, allowing unauthorized users to gain higher privileges.
  • delete_themes: Allows a user to delete themes. This could disrupt the site’s layout or force it to revert to a default theme, potentially breaking the design.

Each of these actions has the potential to impact the integrity, functionality, and security of an entire website.

Risks Associated with Misconfiguration

These are some of the risks associated with assigning critical capabilities to other roles or users:

  1. Compromised Accounts Can Lead to Total Site Takeover. If a role or individual user account with access to these capabilities is compromised, an attacker can exploit the permissions to damage or take control of the entire site. For example, access to edit_files or edit_plugins would allow an attacker to insert malicious code directly into the site, potentially exposing user data or redirecting traffic.

  2. Theme and Plugin Tampering. The ability to edit, update, or install themes and plugins (edit_themes, edit_plugins, install_plugins, etc.) gives users the ability to introduce vulnerabilities into the site. In particular, plugins and themes are often targeted by hackers due to their frequent security flaws. Allowing unauthorized users to make changes to these components could open up security holes that are difficult to detect until it's too late.

  3. Unfiltered File Uploads. Granting unfiltered_upload allows users to upload files without any security filtering. This can lead to dangerous file types being uploaded to the server, including malware or executable scripts that could compromise the site's security.

  4. User Account Management Risks. Capabilities like create_users, delete_users, and promote_users grant the ability to add, remove, or promote other users. In the wrong hands, these capabilities can be used to elevate user privileges, create backdoor accounts, or lock out legitimate administrators.

  5. Site Configuration and Updates. The manage_options capability, along with update_core (for updating WordPress itself), is critical to site management. Users who have these permissions can make changes to the core configuration, alter site behavior, or even cause the site to crash if they don’t fully understand what they are doing.


Granting high-privilege capabilities to non-administrators in WordPress is a risky move that can lead to security vulnerabilities and potential site-wide damage. It's crucial to carefully manage who has access to these sensitive capabilities and to regularly review your role assignments to ensure security is maintained. By sticking to best practices such as the principle of least privilege, and limiting these capabilities to only the Administrator role, you can protect your site from unauthorized access and exploitation.