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The hidden perils of invisible WordPress roles and why they can cause trouble for website access management

Vasyl MartyniukSecurity Audit ServiceAbout 2 min

Issues can arise when certain WordPress roles are either hidden or not easily visible to administrators. These invisible or hard-to-find roles can create a significant risk to the proper management of website access, leading to potential security vulnerabilities and operational inefficiencies.

Below we outline some of the reasons why invisible or hidden WordPress roles can cause trouble and how administrators can mitigate these risks:

  1. Unclear Permissions and Access Control. One of the biggest issues with hidden roles is that they make it difficult for administrators to fully understand who has access to different parts of the website. If a role exists but is not visible in the user interface, administrators may unknowingly grant or deny permissions to the wrong users. This can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data or, conversely, restrict legitimate access to essential parts of the website.

    For instance, if a plugin creates a custom role but does not display it in the WordPress dashboard, an administrator might not realize that users with this hidden role have access to sensitive areas of the website, such as the site’s backend or financial data.

  2. Security Vulnerabilities. Hidden roles can be exploited by malicious actors. If a hacker gains access to an account with a hidden role that has more privileges than a typical user account, they could cause significant damage before the administrator even realizes what is happening. For example, a compromised user with a hidden role might be able to install or remove plugins, change themes, or alter the site’s core files without the administrator’s knowledge.

    Furthermore, outdated or poorly coded plugins can sometimes leave behind hidden roles that grant excessive permissions to users. These residual roles can become backdoors for cyberattacks, making the site vulnerable to breaches.

  3. Difficulty in Auditing User Access. Regular audits of user roles and permissions are crucial for maintaining a secure and well-managed WordPress site. However, when roles are hidden or not visible in the admin interface, conducting thorough audits becomes nearly impossible. Administrators are left in the dark regarding who has what level of access, which can lead to oversight of potential security threats or operational inefficiencies.

    Without visibility into all the roles on the site, it’s difficult to track changes, revoke unnecessary permissions, or ensure that the principle of least privilege is being applied.

  4. Complicated User Management. Managing users effectively requires knowing their roles and access levels. Hidden roles complicate this process by making it hard for administrators to assign, modify, or remove permissions. This confusion can lead to situations where users either have too much access or too little, disrupting the workflow or opening the door to internal misuse.

    If a WordPress role isn’t listed, administrators might have no idea who falls under that role or what their capabilities are. For large websites or businesses with multiple contributors, this can become an administrative nightmare, especially when onboarding or offboarding employees or freelancers.

  5. Compatibility and Functionality Issues. Custom or hidden roles can also lead to conflicts with other plugins or themes. If a role isn’t visible, troubleshooting potential access-related issues becomes more difficult. For example, an e-commerce plugin might require specific user roles to manage orders, but if a hidden role clashes with those permissions, users might be locked out of critical functionality, leading to a breakdown in website operations.

    Moreover, future WordPress updates or changes to plugins may not account for hidden roles, leading to unexpected behavior or broken features that the administrator struggles to identify or fix.


While WordPress’s role-based access system is highly flexible, it can also introduce risks when roles are hidden or not easily visible to administrators. These hidden roles can lead to unclear permissions, security vulnerabilities, and user management challenges. To ensure proper website access management, administrators should regularly audit user roles, use trusted plugins, and implement role management tools to maintain full visibility into their WordPress site. By doing so, they can protect their site from potential threats and ensure smooth, efficient operations.