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The danger of altering default WordPress core roles

Vasyl MartyniukSecurity Audit ServiceAbout 3 min

WordPress, by design, offers a well-balanced, role-based user management system, ensuring that users with different levels of expertise or responsibility have access to the precise capabilities they need. These roles include "Administrator", "Editor", "Author", "Contributor", and "Subscriber", each with a distinct and intentional scope of control. While it might be tempting to modify or extend the capabilities of non-administrator roles for convenience or to meet specific needs, doing so can have severe security and access control consequences.

In this article, we will explore the dangers of altering the capabilities of default WordPress roles (especially "Editor", "Author", "Contributor", and "Subscriber") beyond their original design and why it is generally not advisable.

Understanding Default WordPress Roles

Before diving into the risks, it is crucial to understand the default roles and their purpose:

  • Administrator: This role is designed to have full access to all settings and capabilities within a WordPress site. Administrators can install plugins, themes, manage users, and alter core settings. This role is meant for those who should have complete control over the site.

  • Editor: Editors can publish and manage posts from all users, but they do not have access to critical site management features like plugins, themes, or settings. Their role is content-focused.

  • Author: Authors can write, edit, and publish their own posts but cannot touch others' content. They also do not have access to site management features or the ability to approve comments unless related to their own posts.

  • Contributor: Contributors can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them. This is a good role for guest authors or content creators who need their work reviewed by an editor.

  • Subscriber: Subscribers can manage their own profile but have no access to the content creation or management side of the website. They are primarily designed for users who need access to view or comment on private content.

The Risk of Adding Capabilities to Non-Administrator Roles

While extending the capabilities of the "Administrator" role (the role designed for full control) makes sense in some situations, adding extra capabilities to "Editor", "Author", "Contributor", or "Subscriber" roles carries significant security and operational risks.

  1. Security Vulnerabilities. WordPress has a default security model where roles are separated by privilege levels. Each role is carefully defined to prevent users from gaining unintended access to sensitive site areas. Adding capabilities to these roles, such as allowing Editors to manage plugins or allowing Authors to publish others’ posts, can open up dangerous vulnerabilities.

  2. Elevated Access Rights for Future Users. When you alter core roles by adding more capabilities, you also set up the potential for privilege creep. If, in the future, new users are added under these modified roles, they inherit potentially elevated access rights. This becomes especially problematic for large websites with multiple users.

    For example, if you grant contributors the capability to publish content, anyone assigned the "Contributor" role in the future, whether intentional or accidental, could immediately start publishing without editorial review. This could lead to unvetted or inappropriate content being pushed live, impacting both the site's quality and security.

  3. Difficulty in Auditing and Managing Permissions. By customizing default roles and adding extra capabilities, you can make it difficult for site administrators to manage or audit user permissions. WordPress roles are carefully documented, but when you begin modifying them, it’s easy to lose track of who has access to what. This confusion can make it harder to identify the source of security breaches, unauthorized actions, or content issues, as multiple users may have similar or overlapping capabilities.

  4. Compatibility with Plugins and Themes. Many plugins and themes are built with WordPress’s default role system in mind. When you start modifying these roles, you risk introducing compatibility issues with third-party software. For example, a plugin may expect only Administrators to manage settings, but if you allow Editors or Authors to access these controls, the plugin might malfunction or behave unpredictably.


Granting additional capabilities to default WordPress roles such as Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber poses significant security risks, including vulnerabilities, privilege escalation, and management complexities. These roles are structured for a reason: to ensure that each user has access to only the capabilities necessary for their role. While it is safe to adjust the "Administrator" role, expanding the powers of other default roles should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

If your website requires more granular control over user permissions, the recommended approach is to create custom roles or utilize plugins designed for specific tasks. This ensures that you maintain the integrity and security of your WordPress installation, protecting both your site and your users.