AAM Non-negotiable rules
FundamentalsLess than 1 minute
We take security and privacy very seriously, that is why there are several non-negotiable rules that we obey at all cost with Advanced Access Manager plugin.
- AAM does not create new or alter existing website database tables.
- AAM does not read any files outside of the AAM plugin’s folder.
- AAM does not create new, write or delete any existing files or folders on a server.
- AAM does not capture or send externally any information about how it is used.
- AAM does not capture or send externally any information about a website server. The only exception is a website domain that is assigned to a premium license during activation.
- AAM does not integrate with any other plugins directly.
- AAM does not impersonate or swap user login sessions. All the authentication is handled by WordPress core where AAM may provide only verified and trusted information as means of authentication.
- AAM does not include advertisement of any kind (no banners, cross-sales pitches or affiliate links).
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