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AAM compatibility with other plugins or themes

Vasyl MartyniukFundamentalsLess than 1 minute

Plugins' and themes' compatibility in WordPress is one of the most controversial topics. Considering the large WordPress ecosystem, not all permutations of plugins and themes installations may work nicely on your website.

In 9 out of 10 instances, we see problems because the plugin/theme developer did not adhere to the WordPress development best practices. However, from our observation, it is becoming rare when popular plugins or themes break other plugins. So, we rarely receive notifications of this nature (maybe once a year at the most).

The remaining cases of incompatibility are because both plugins may compete for the same functionality. In this case, you might want to consider which plugin to choose. If conflicting functionality is part of your theme or framework, consider deactivating this functionality in your theme or framework.

We can reassure you that all our free and premium plugins comply with the WordPress development guidelines and are deeply integrated with WordPress core. The WordPress security team periodically reviews our plugins for any issues, and if they find any, we promptly address them.


We cannot answer if our plugins are compatible with other plugins, themes, or frameworks because it is impossible to run individual tests with all available products in the WordPress ecosystem. However, we are almost sure that if other plugins, themes, or frameworks adhere to the WordPress development guidances and follow best practices, you should not expect any issues.

Give it a try. Pay attention to your website behavior, and performance. If you find any odds, let us know, and we'll work with you on a solution.